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World Mental Health Day Question Time❓

Who out of our little gang of 3 has struggled with their mental health?

A. dB🤘🏼

B. Janey👌🏼

C. Neens 💪🏼

Answer... all of us!

Yep at some point in our lives we have felt the feeling of the black dog, the I’m going mad, the racing heart, the dark thoughts, the anxiety, the I’m having a heart attack moment, the pitted heavy feeling in your tummy or chest... the list that comes with low or poor mental health is endless.


Whether it’s bi polar, post natal, clinical, perimenopausal or menopausal. When you’re suffering you feel so alone and frightened.


This photo is what poor mental health can look like. You don’t always see it in a person but trust us... when it’s there it’s a lonely and frightening place!!!


Pleeeeaseeee! If you know of someone who may be suffering, send them a little message simply to say “how you doing?” They may not come back to you BUT to that person, it can be comforting to know someone thinks/cares/looks out for you! Even sharing this post can help someone to fee less alone.


Now more than ever is when we need to look out for others. Us 3 have suffered at some point, so when those feelings ever come back we feel a little more “armed” to deal with it. For those feeling it for the first time during these times must be soooo scary... waiting lists are off the scale to seek professional advice and help. But please know... YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN FEELING WHAT YOU FEEL and that YOU WILL COME OUT THE OTHER SIDE.




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