About Us
Understanding Grief and coping mechanisms
What to do if you're concerned about someone's memory.
Happy Birthday Daddykins. 🥳
Roger aka Daddykins sends his love and Happy Halloween wishes.🎃
My thought process.🧠
People Surprise Me...
Merry Christmas from Daddykins and I🎅🏼
Christmas Day With This One.
The Empathy Museum... WOW!
An update on Daddykins December 2020 ⭐️
Selling Dad's home to fund his care.
Alzheimers during Covid
A post from the heart 💜
Proud of our Neens. #alzheimersawareness
Music and Memories
Circa 1971...
Daddykins and I circa 1975.
My Daddykins and Alzheimers